Superadobe Dome Material Cost Calculator

Version 1.0 alpha
Use this free online strategic planning tool to help plan for your earth bag (superadobe) dome. This calculator will generate a row-by-row estimation of the required materials to build your dome.

Basic Input



  • Specify the preferred unit of measurement:

  • Imperial = Feet/Inches
  • Metric = Meters/Centimeters

  • Bag Size
  • Choose the size of the unfilled superadobe bag.
  • The larger the bag, the larger the dome radius can be.

  • Dome Size
  • Enter either desired dome radius or dome area.

  • The maximum radius is determined by the size of the bag used. To clear the info screen, enter a smaller radius than specified or increase the bag size.

  • For earth bag domes, the height of the dome is approximately double the radius.
  • Units
    Bag Size
    Dome Size
    Radius feet
    Area feet2

    Filled Bag


    The width of the filled bag is computed using the statistical method of quadratic mean (RMS). The height of the unfilled bag is the difference between the unfilled bag size and the calculated width.

    If you know the dimensions of your filled bag, you may adjust the sliders to achieve a variance of ±10% from the average.

    As you adjust one of the values, the other value changes dynamically and updates the scaled filled bag image.


    Dome Controls


    Stem Wall [green layer]

  • Use the slider to adjust the height of the vertical wall below the spring line up to 10 feet.

  • When you add a vertical stem wall, you must either:
    1) Add extra rings outside the dome (Buttress) or
    2) Partially bury the dome underground (Below Grade).

    The buttress and the below grade height must be 1 feet over the top of the stem wall/spring line.

  • Buttress [yellow layer]
  • Add additional rings outside the dome for extra support, seating, etc.
  • The "Buttress" [yellow layer] starts on top of the "Grade" [brown layer].
  • The maximum buttress height is the height of the entire structure minus the "Grade."

  • Total Height = Dome Height + Stem Wall Height
  • Max Buttress Height = Total Height - Below Grade

  • Below Grade [brown layer]
  • You may partially or fully bury a dome underground. Putting the dome below ground adds buttress support and thermal mass insulation.
  • The maximum below grade height is the height of the entire structure.

  • Total Height = Dome Height + Stem Wall Height
  • Max Below Grade Height = Total Height
  • +

    Mix Controls


    Rock, Sand and Earth

  • If you require to ship in extra materials for an adequate mix, adjust the sliders to meet the criteria. By default, the sliders are adjusted so that "Earth" is 100% of the mix. When you increase rock or sand, the percentage of earth will decrease. This calculator supports the construction standard 3-2-1 mix (3-rock, 2-sand, 1-cement) as the maximum.

  • 100% Mix = % Rock + % Sand + % Earth

  • 100%
  • % Rock
  • - % Sand
  • % Earth

  • Add Mix
  • By default, the calculator is set to a 10% add-mix.

  • If you require more or less cement stabilization, adjust the slider to meet your criteria. Cement add-mix can be adjusted to a maximum of 30% and can also be adjusted to 0% for an unstabilized mix.
  • +

    Cost Controls


    Barbed Wire Length

  • Enter the length of the barbed wire roll for purchase.
  • By default, the standard roll length is set.

  • Barbed Wire Cost
  • Enter the cost of the barbed wire roll specified.

  • Cement Weight
  • Enter the weight of the bag or bulk cement for purchase.
  • By default, the weight is set to a large bag.

  • Cement Cost
  • Enter the cost of the cement weight specified.

  • Rock Volume
  • If the "Mix Controls" has been adjusted to include additional rock, enter the volume for purchase.

  • Rock Cost
  • Enter the cost of the rock volume specified.

  • Sand Volume
  • If the "Mix Controls" has been adjusted to include additional sand, enter the volume for purchase.

  • Sand Cost
  • Enter the cost of the sand volume specified.

  • Waste
  • To ensure you obtain enough materials, it may be wise to include a certain percentage of building waste.
  • By default, the waste is set to 5%.
  • +
    Warning Maximum safe dome radius for selected bag size should not exceed 7 feet.
    Spring Line
    y rows

    Height = x feet
    Drawing is not to scale
    Please fix the following design errors:
    Warning Maximum safe dome radius for selected bag size should not exceed 7 feet.

    TIP: Reduce the dome radius or increase the bag size.

    TIP: Reduce the stem wall height or increase the buttress and/or below grade height.